Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No cute title here... :)

Well, it has been a while since I updated. Nothing too significant has happened around here lately except that I continue to grow. I love it when people say, wow you are big, or wow I don't think you will make it to June. Seriously...make the pregant woman feel good about herself please :) But really, I am feeling pretty good. Baby Lucas has really started kicking and punching hard. I am still trying to decipher body parts, but I think I have a good idea of his feet from his hands. I could be completely wrong though. Saturday we go for the 3D ultrasound, and I can't wait to see how much he has grown since 18 wks.
I will be 30 weeks on Thursday. AH! Time really is flying by. We are continuing to work on the room. I am trying to get my dad up here to help Evan out with the painting of the crown moulding, windows, doors, baseboards, etc. Evan has been busting his butt trying to get the Signal Deals business going, which doesn't leave much time for work around the house. Hopefully, the room will be finished soon, because I am dying to organize things. I have already cleaned out just about every closet in the house!

I will post pics of my growing belly soon. I need to upload them to my computer first. Meanwhile, I will go back to playing spider solitaire ( I am seriously addicted)

1 comment:

Becca said...

30 weeks! My how time flies!! I'm glad you're feeling great. Can't wait to see pictures from the 3D ultrasound, you'll have to post them when you get them. Oh yeah and btw - LOVE the nursery!! The squares are awesome.