Monday, February 8, 2010

Time flies when you're a mom!

Where have the last 8 months gone? My baby is inching his way towards the one year mark and I don't know how I feel about that! I just read my last post and realize how much has happened since I wrote last. I really don't even know where to I will try to be brief (haha)

We are having a great year at school. Lucas has a great time with Bri and Katie in the nursery. He and Katie are so cute together.
We had a great fall and were always out and about enjoying the weather. This winter has been a weird one. We have had 3 snows that actually accumulated. It has been fun sticking Lucas in the snow and taking pictures.
We made it through Lucas's first holiday season, and everything went as smoothly as possible. Lucas was spoiled rotten with all of the presents from grandparents. Of course, it was also our first Christmas without Nana. I was so worried that I would be a basketcase, but I really just had this peace come over me around the holidays. I know she was with us and watching over all of the festivities.

Cute story about Haiden- Sometime in early January Haiden told Hailey to go to Walmart and get some purple balloons. Hailey asked why, and Haiden said she wanted to fly on a balloon up to Heaven and get Nana and bring her back. So on Nana's birthday, January 17, we went to Peggy's and released 3 purple balloons. It was a bittersweet moment.

So we just keep trucking along. Lucas is growing sooooo fast! He hasn't started crawling yet, which I am ok with :) He is just so chill and content to play with whatever toy is in front of him. Everyone is always saying what a good baby he is. Lately he has started playing peek-a-boo with us, and I am trying to teach him to clap. He really tries and has started randomly doing his hands like I do when I sing "pat a cake" on the "roll it roll it roll it roll it throw it in the pan" part. I hope you can get a visual.
Lucas is also babbling all the time. He babbles dadadadadada to everything, and then he says bababa and sometimes a maammamama. Not sure if he has put meaning to any words yet, but the other day it did seem like he looked at evan and said "dada". I hate to admit that!

We have been battling a lot of illness in the house. Evan is sick as I speak, and Lucas has an ear infection for 3 weeks and while he had that Evan got a stomach bug. Hoping for some good health in the coming weeks!

I feel like this is a big ramble of randomness, so I hope I don't bore you. If anyone is actually out there...

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